Welcome to ECRM

Dear participants of ECRM 2024,

It is our pleasure to announce that the European Conference on Respiratory Medicine (ECRM 2024) will be held at Hotel Crowne Plaza Madrid Airport, Madrid, Spain, on 20th June, 2024.We warmly welcome you to ECRM-2024. ECRM will bring together the world’s respiratory experts to present and discuss the latest scientific and clinical advances across the entire field of respiratory medicine.

ECRM-2024 will serve as an excellent international forum for all medical practitioners both young and old, to share, discuss and present clinical paper too. Sessions discussed at the event will be a perfect opportunity for attendees to share ideas or observations or even raise questions.

We welcome all of you to attend the plenaries and oral presentations and invite you to interact with the conference participants during the poster sessions. We hope this platform will allow members to renew friendships and extend networks, and jointly explore current and future research directions and discuss the latest research in the field of respiratory medicine.

We hope this meeting may provide an exceptional opportunity for scientists, clinicians, young researchers, allied healthcare professionals, and talented individuals from around the world. We highly appreciate your attention, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you in Spain.

Thanks and regards,

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee
Prof. Armando Gabrielli, MD
Fondazione di Medicina Molecolare e Terapia Cellulare
Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy Kye Young Lee
Department of Internal Medicine
Konkuk University Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea
LAI Yuen Kwan Agnes
Associate Professor, Nursing (General)
Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Kanburoglu, Mehmet Kenan. MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Neonatology
RTE University Medical School, Rize, Turkiye


Trieu Thi Hong Thai (Mrs)

Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Oscar Simonson MD, PhD

Depatment of cardiothorasic surgery
Akademiska University Hospital
Uppsala university hospital, Swedan

Beata Wojciak Stothard PhD

Professor of Vascular Biology
Deputy Head of Vascular Sciences
Athena Swan/EDI co-Lead
National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI)
Imperial College London

Hideko NAGUMO, PhD. R.N. RRT

Associate professor/lecturer
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences
, University of Tokyo Health Sciences, Japan

Otávio Marques

Professor, Department of Medicine
Division of Molecular Medicine
University of São Paulo School of Medicine

Niklas Söderberg Campos

Coordenador da Linha de Valor do Paciente Grave
Hospital Municipal Dr. Moysés Deutsch – M’Boi Mirim

Prawit Prakosre

Suranaree University of Technology
-Hospital, Thailand

Dr. Divya Kajaria

Assistant Professor,
AIIA India

Publication Opportunities

All accepted abstracts for European Conference on Respiratory Medicine (ECRM-2024) will be published in European Journal of Respiratory Medicine (Online ISSN-2633-7452) with a permanent DOI number.